23 hours on-demand video
React Native: Create an Unbeatable & Multiplayer Tic-Tac-Toe
Create, Publish & Monetize a Single Player Bot & Multiplayer Tic-Tac-Toe with Expo, Typescript & AWS Amplify GraphQL API.

What you'll Learn:
- Learn About Typescript & What's its purpose.
- Learn About Expo & the Difference between Expo & Vanilla React Native.
- Install & Run an Expo Application on a Physical Device, Android Emulator & iOS Simulator.
- Learn How to Use Typescript with Expo.
- Integrate ESLint, Prettier & Husky for a Better Workflow.
- Using React Navigation Efficiently with Typescript Integration.
- Create a Single Player Tic Tac Toe Game.
- Implement the Minimax Algorithm to Create a Tic Tac Toe Bot with Different Difficulties (From Easy to Unbeatable).
- Use Sound Effects and Haptics Feedback in Our Game.
- Create Custom React Hooks for Code Re-usability.
- Create Simple Animations Using the Animated API.
- Creating Persistent App Settings Using React Context & AsyncStorage.
- Learn About AWS Amplify & its Purpose.
- Use AWS Amplify & AWS Cognito to add Authentication to our App.
- Create a GraphQL API with AWS Amplify, AWS AppSync & AWS Lambda Functions.
- Create a Real Time Multiplayer Tic Tac Toe with the GraphQL API.
- Learn How to Send Push Notifications Using Expo & Lambda Functions.
- Monetize Your Game Using Google AdMob.
- Build & Publish your App to the iOS App Store & Google Play Store.
What Students are Saying:
“So far I concluded 70 out of 140 and despite of being outdated it is an excellent course. If you replace the legacy code with the new correspondent version you'll be good to go.”
“Very thorough instructor, not skipping important steps. The pace is good.. Not too fast not too slow. teaches important topics. a little bit out of date..”
“I love the explanations very clear one of the best react-native typescript courses out here, it helped me refactor a lot of my old code.”
“This truly is the best course I've taken on Udemy. Most other courses don't go through best practices like this course does. Really hope he continues to make quality content like this!”
“This is the best course of react native you will have on Udemy ! Every content is very well explained with alot of useful contents!! You won't find any course like this on udemy!!”
“Loved it. Ali not only teaches you about React Native & Amplify but also teaches best practices. The course is really easy to follow. This is one of the courses that I have actually completed :D Looking forward to more React Native courses from Ali (☞゚ヮ゚)☞”
“Awesome material. Covers many aspects that would take time to find out somewhere else, AWS docs can be overwhelming so this simply is a great guide about how to use it. Great work!”
“great course, great detail and useful practical practice. cover all aspects than i expected. thank you”
“This course covers everything including algorithms. He teaches very clearly, you will not get confused.”
“This is an excellent intermediate-level course. Ali explains things well and demonstrates lots of best practices in his coding and in the project structure.”
“I'm only half way through the course but this is a really good course to learn some best practices when working with React Native and Amplify. I have prior experience with both RN and Amplify but it is always good to learn from others in this space. Excellent job”
“This is really an excellent course. The instructor knows so much about react native. Would strongly recommend.”